Contact Info

Image of me

Jake Derouin

Contact Info


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Instagram: @jakederouin

Hello from Boulder Colorado!

I am currently a 3rd year student at the University of Colorado: Boulder studying Creative Technology and Design. I am also a member of the CU Cross Country and Track teams specializing in the 5K and 10K. I am a passionate technology enthusiast/tinkerer interested in a wide variety of CS diciplines.

Some of my interests include:

  • Mobile App Development
  • Cybersecurity
  • Web Development
  • Wearable Tech
  • Technology for Athletes.
  • Game Design
  • Sustainable technology
  • Applications for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence



  • iOS App Development: I have had 4 years of experience developing apps for iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS using many different Apple apis.

  • Technical Support: I can say with 99.9999% confidence that I can fix your computer/phone (if it is not hardware related).

  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript: I have taken courses that utilized these web development technologies.

  • NGINX: I have set up many sites (both static and Wordpress) for myself and others using NGINX.

  • Node.JS: I have an understanding of Node.JS and have deployed a REST API for a few of my apps using it.

  • SQL Databases: I have familarity with tools such as PostgreSQL and mariaDB for querying and writing to databases.

  • Adobe Photoshop/Affinity Photo: I am very comfortable with editing images and designing graphics in Photoshop.

  • Adobe After Effects (in progress): I am currently taking a class that involves heavy use of Adobe After Effects to create animations.

  • Ableton Live (in progress): I am taking a class where I am learning the fundamentals of sound design using Ableton Live 11.


  • Writing: I am a strong writer specializing in writing informative articles.

  • Competitive Swimming: I grew up a swimmer and can coach many different levels of compeitive swimming.

  • Distance Running: I run NCAA Division I for the University of Colorado: Boulder. I am comfortable coaching all levels of runners.

Some of my propriatary self-developed products are branded and sold under the name CyberWisp LLC.

CyberWisp logo animation